




Deschiderea Conferinţei MOBILE INNOVATION 2017, editia a VII-a

Romania are red flag-uri pe cybersecurity

Autoritatile din Romania ar trebui instruite pentru a fi constiente de ce le ofera industria telecom

MCSI: Vrem sa facilitam comunicarea cu industria de profil ca sa putem armoniza cadrul legislativ

Manualele digitale sunt aplicatii informatice

Telekom - Virtualizarea de retea muta inteligenta dinspre modem catre centrul retelei

Solutiile Intrarom pentru Smart City

Solutii Intrarom de transmisiuni radio fabricate in Romania pentru 5G si smart city

MCI: Ne dorim sa avem dezvoltatori locali de tehnologie si operatori cu departamente de cercetare

MCI are programe publice de cercetare si facilitati fiscale pentru companiile care fac cercetare

E. Pavel: Voi lucra in Parlamentul European la directiva de reformare a codului european telecom

Mobile Innovation 2017 Conference (Teasing)


COMUNIC@TII Mobile & TelecomTV.ro @ MWC 2017, Barcelona (Teasing)

DT about 5G PPP European Initiative and 2G vs. 5G

Deutsche Telekom reveals 5G & IoT strategy @ MWC 2017

5G, the main focus of DT @MWC 2017

DT & Zeiss - smart glasses for augmented reality. These glasses will substitute the smartphones

Ericsson, on the Road to 5G

Ericsson Digital Transformation & Omnichannel Experience

The Global Statement for 5G Test and Trial

Intel 5G - Network. Cloud. Client

NTT DoCoMo - 5G Deployment Strategy and Test/Trial Plan

Vodafone & Gigabit Society in 5G era

Orange - NGMN 5G Trial & Testing Initiative

Ericsson accelerating 5G for networked society

Huawei - 5G will be key enabler of the Industrial Revolution

Intracom Telecom Smart City developments @ MWC 2017

Siklu’s millimeter wave radios provide 5G fixed wireless access applications

Ultralink Street Node 60 Ghz - High Capacity E-band/V-Band - Intracom Telecom

OmniBAS - Point to Point Microwave Backhaul - Intracom Telecom

WiBAS Street Node - Point to Multipoint Business Access, Small Cell Backhaul - Intracom Telecom

AT&T commitment to 5G

Vodafone reveals IoT & Smart City developments

China Mobile's 5G Trial Plan towards 2020's Commercial Launch

3GPP - LTE Evolution and 5G

5G: evoluţie sau revoluţie?

Internet of Things by Kathrein

Kathrein Inside Connect Antenna integrated into advertising pillar

Kathrein presents the first prototypes of 5G antennas @ MWC 2017

Mobile becomes the core business of Mastercard

Live Connected Stadium by SAP


Catalin Marinescu, Presedinte ANCOM: De la Mobile is Everything la Internet is Everything

Fonduri europene pentru proiecte 5G, cloud si broadband - Conferinta MOBILE INNOVATION 2016

Stadiul RoNet si al proiectelor MCSI - Conferinta MOBILE INNOVATION 2016

Smarter Connected Societies - New products & solutions launched in 2016 by Intracom Telecom

Introducerea accesului de banda larga in serviciul universal - Conferinta MOBILE INNOVATION 2016

Telekom vizeaza cea mai buna experienta a clientilor business - Conferinta MOBILE INNOVATION 2016

Digitalizarea si nevoia de investitii la Agerpres - Conferinta MOBILE INNOVATION 2016

Kathrein Street Connect Antenna - Conferinta MOBILE INNOVATION 2016

Standul Romaniei la MWC & CeBIT 2016 - Conferinta MOBILE INNOVATION 2016

In Romania, D-Link este cel mai important producator de switching - MOBILE INNOVATION 2016

Video Teasing - Mobile Innovation Conference 2016 - Bucharest