Page 27 - Mobile World Daily - Day 4
P. 27


Huawei FusionCloud Omni Solution Agile, Open ROADS to Cloud

  Huawei FusionCloud Omni                 from conventional telecom               Omni Solution connects                 Support multi-clouds deployment       Cobham
Solution is a hybrid cloud solution       services to ICT integrated              heterogeneous public and private         Enhanced Security: Public           Wireless and
which helps carriers to transform         services. The Huawei FusionCloud        clouds and provides a self-                                                  NI Partner for
                                                                                  management system that allows          clouds deploy same security           Cellular and
                                                                                  end users to manage resources of       policies with private cloud.          Connectivity
                                                                                  public and private clouds. The                                               Applications
                                                                                  virtual machines and applications        Agile Network: End-to-end
                                                                                  can freely deploy and migrate on       network SLA, support VM & Apps           Cobham Wireless, formerly the
                                                                                  hybrid cloud platform.                 free migration and automatic          Wireless Test Business of Aeroflex,
                                                                                                                         network administration                and NI the provider of platform-based
                                                                                    OpenStack Cascading: Compatible                                            systems that enable engineers and
                                                                                  with 3rd party cloud, Open API,        Please come and visit us at Fira      scientists to solve the world’s greatest
                                                                                                                         Gran Via Hall 1.                      engineering challenges, have
                                                                                                                                                               announced a worldwide partnership
ironSource Establishes                                                            Use intelligence to capture new                                              to service applications in cellular and
Business Development                                                              roaming revenues, says Syniverse                                             connectivity with solutions based on
Presence in London                                                                                                                                             PXI technology. NI acquires the
                                                                                    According to Syniverse,                                                    existing Cobham PXI modular
  World leading digital delivery          development presence in SOHO. The       intelligent roaming can maximize       increased retail and inbound          instruments hardware product line
company ironSource appointed              former CMO of ClicksMob will offer      operators’ LTE investments by          revenues, reduced wholesale costs,    and becomes Cobham’s primary
Daphna Giniger as Director of Sales       support to current ironSource clients,  enabling them to bridge their          and enhanced user experiences.        provider of PXI technology. The
and Business Development                  while developing relationships with     retail and wholesale roaming                                                 companies will also collaborate to
UK, charged with heading up               new new publishers and advertisers      strategies to meet subscribers’        Learn more about intelligent          incorporate the latest NI PXI modular
ironSource’s London-based business        who could benefit from the              expectations for seamless 24/7         roaming by visiting us in Hall 2      instruments, including the NI vector
                                          ironSource offering, including the      connection anytime, anywhere.          Stand 2G21 or at                      signal transceiver with LabVIEW
                                          mobileCore SDK.                                                                           FPGA, into Cobham’s next-generation
                                                                                    Syniverse helps operators                                                  cellular and connectivity test systems.
                                            mobileCore provides one of the        around the world monetize these                                              Cobham Wireless is the NI Global
                                          most comprehensive and                  opportunities via real-time                                                  Preferred Partner for Cellular and
                                          customizable SDKs available in          intelligence tools that enable them                                          Connectivity Applications, part of the
                                          the market, and the mobileCore          to provide individualized roaming                                            NI Alliance Partner Network.
                                          ad network offers exceptional           offers to their subscribers, based
                                          user-friendly solutions and             upon location and data usage,                                                Visit Hall 6 for Cobham Wireless
                                          superior optimization technology        while also addressing network                                                - Stand 6H21 and National
                                          to deliver results.                     performance before issues are                                                Instuments - Stand 6E10
                                                                                  detected by the end user.
                                                                                                                                                                  Tresys Technology, a US
                                                                                    The result of applying                                                     company, has spent years
                                                                                  intelligence to roaming is                                                   developing its mobile security
                                                                                                                                                               expertise through internal and
                                          Innovative Cloud Computing portfolio & Cloud-                                                                        customer-funded research and
                                          based Healthcare solutions by Intracom Telecom                                                                       development. These efforts
                                                                                                                                                               culminated in the release of
  Intracom Telecom its ISO                Furthermore, Intracom Telecom           focusing on telemedicine services, as  Contact Details:                      MobileFortress™ for Android™, a
27001:2013 certified cloud solutions      presents Service Provider               well as on Picture Archiving and       Alexandros Tarnaris,                  security-focused, policy-driven
aiming at fulfilling diverse and          Enablement services, including          Communication System (PACS). In        Communications Director,              mobile solution. Now, Tresys is
customizable business requirements.       Managed Security and Value-Add          partnership with prestigious UK        Email: atarnar@intracom-              leveraging that experience into a
The company’s Cloud portfolio             Security services, complementing the    educational medical institutes,                           wide range of security-focused
encompasses a comprehensive IaaS          puzzle towards a holistic, end-to-end   Intracom Telecom provides superior                                           service offerings for Enterprises,
offering, whilst promoting cutting        M2M/IoT security architecture. The      medical training & consulting          Come and visit us at stand 6I40       Carriers, and OEMs. Tresys
edge SaaS solutions, such as Security     company also presents its innovative    services for hospitals and iatric      in hall 6.                            provides mobile security
and Mobile Device Management.             Cloud-based Healthcare solutions        institutions.                                                                consulting, training, and
                                                                                                                                                               development specifically tailored to
                                                                                  PROTEI platforms                                                             address the needs of our
                                                                                                                                                               customers. Go to
                                                                                  deployed                                                            or
                                                                                                                                                               email to learn
Smart Networks for a Smart World: in MOTIV                                                                                                                     more about how Tresys can help
                                                                                  in Russia                                                                    you build and deploy more secure,
Discover More at Stand 1A20                                                                                                                                    more flexible, more sustainable
                                                                                                                                                               mobile solutions.
  MYCOM OSI, the leading                  profile 5G innovation initiative. The     PROTEI has completed                 roaming service delivery, range of
independent provider of Service           MYCOM OSI team would be delighted       deployment of several powerful         important statistical information
Assurance & Analytics solutions to the    to meet you and discuss how the new     solutions in the network of            and improves customer experience
world’s largest Communications            company – which was created after       independent Russian mobile             leading to better loyalty. SCP gives
Service Providers (CSPs), has been        MYCOM acquired OSI in 2014 – can        operator working under MOTIV           an ability to deploy convergent
sharing its vision, strategy and product  help you achieve your objectives.       brand. This regional operator is one   billing services and a variety of
roadmap at stand 1A20. This week,                                                 of market leaders in several           other VAS “on the top”. SMS
MYCOM OSI has launched a new                MYCOM OSI enables ‘Smart              Russian regions. The bundle            Firewall is reliably protecting the
market research report (with TM           Networks for a Smart World’.            consists of PROTEI SCP, Roaming        network from various SMS fraud
Forum) and new Analytics and                                                      Steering Platform and SMS              and spam threats.
Automation solutions, and has also          Meet us at stand 1A20, visit          Firewall. With this new bundle
announced its participation in a high- or contact            MOTIV gets better control over         Stand 5H20,
                                          us on

MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS DAILY 2015 |                                                                                            Thursday 5th March PAGE 27
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