Page 62 - Mobile World Daily - Day 2
P. 62


                                        PROTEI Steering                                                              Syniverse IPX
                                        platform deployment
                                        in Batelco (Bahrain) surpasses

                                                                                                                     24M monthly

                                          PROTEI MENA branch (Silat            be applied basing on number of        LTE roamers
                                        Solutions) completed Steering          unique IMSI in the particular
  Procera Networks has launched a       platform deployment in Batelco         network, subscriber’s CoS etc. The      Syniverse’s IPX network – the    number of subscribers roaming
new book titled “Mobile Subscriber      (Bahrain). Operator has got            platform allows solving wide range    backbone that enables LTE          across Syniverse’s IPX network
Experience for Dummies” that            feature-rich system answering          of tasks such as managing roamers     roaming – now manages              has increased more than 900
introduces readers to the topic of      demands of roaming market.             profiles, add/delete supplementary    connectivity with approximately    percent in the last year due to
mobile subscriber experience                                                   services, modify MAP and CAMEL        half of all mobile operators with  the network’s one-connection-
software. These technologies use a         Steering of Roaming service is      phases.                               commercial LTE networks and        to-multiple-services approach
wide variety of data-gathering and      implemented in accordance to                                                 nearly all operators that have     that reduces the number of
analytic techniques to discover what    GSMA IR-73. Range of steering             Since 2009 PROTEI solutions had    launched LTE roaming.              network connections an operator
customers are doing and create          criteria supported by the platform     been deployed in 9 countries across                                      must manage.
better services for them, and are       gave an ability to adopt the platform  MENA region.                            With IPX as the standard for
becoming essential for providers        to Operator’s business                                                       today’s 4G experience,             Visit us in Hall 2 Stand 2G21.
that want to keep subscribers happy     requirements. Steering rules may       Stand 5H20,            Syniverse’s IPX processes          Tweet us your LTE strategy at
and onboard new subscribers.                                                                                         billions of LTE transactions per   @Syniverse #MWC15.
                                          Tresys Technology, a US              service offerings for Enterprises,    month from more than 24 million
  Procera is leading the industry with  company, has spent years               Carriers, and OEMs. Tresys            monthly LTE roamers. The total
NFV performance: PacketLogic/V™         developing its mobile security         provides mobile security consulting,
platform, Procera’s virtualized         expertise through internal and         training, and development
solution, has been clocked at           customer-funded research and           specifically tailored to address the
+150Gbps running on Intel COTS          development. These efforts             needs of our customers. Go to
platforms. The company will also join   culminated in the release of  or
Openet and Vodafone in an ETSI Proof-   MobileFortress™ for Android™, a        email to learn
of-Concept demo showing how NFV         security-focused, policy-driven        more about how Tresys can help you
concepts can be applied to OSS/BSS      mobile solution. Now, Tresys is        build and deploy more secure, more
to deliver on the promise of NFV.       leveraging that experience into a      flexible, more sustainable mobile
                                        wide range of security-focused         solutions.
Visit Procera at stand 5H61 or
reach out to us on Twitter at

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