Page 49 - Mobile World Daily - Day 2
P. 49


Sean Wisdom – Director, Dell Mobility Solutions

The new reality
of mobile solutions:

Everything you’ve been

told about mobility is wrong

Mobile computing trends, such as rich wireless internet, smart devices and                          MISCONCEPTION #3: MOBILITY IS A                     This trend is unfortunate since the greatest
cloud-based mobile applications have completely transformed the way                                 SECURITY NIGHTMARE FOR HIGHLY                     return on investment is realised by delivering
people interact with the world. Information on anything from the weather,                           REGULATED ORGANISATIONS                           mobile solutions for mission-critical workers.
to location-based recommendations to social circles is pushed directly to us on                                                                       Mission-critical workers need the right
devices we are constantly attached too – in the hand, in the pocket or in the                       Mobility has always meant increased risk for      solution for them which includes an
bag. This perfect awareness and variety of devices creates great opportunity                        business. For organisations in highly             application they can use on or off network.
for unprecedented productivity and performance in the enterprise, but also                          regulated industries, such as healthcare,         Unfortunately, many organisations lack in-
carries risk and complexity for the IT environment. IT teams now need to                            financial services and retail, the risk is even   house resources to develop and prepare
manage the growing numbers of devices, each with their own operating                                greater as a security breach yields stiff fines,  applications for mobile environments.
systems and form factors, and also ensure security of the device as well as of                      loss of accreditation and damaged
the data and applications . This article will explore the truth behind some of                      reputations. Organisations are forced to          CONCLUSION
the most prevalent misconceptions impacting mobile strategy.                                        weigh the benefits of greater employee            Innovations in the wireless space have
                                                                                                    productivity against potential security risks     radically changed the way we interact with
MISCONCEPTION #1: TRADITIONAL                     “Bring Your Own PC,” or even “Bring Your          and the ever-present challenge of meeting         each other and the world around us, but many
MOBILE DEVICE MANAGEMENT                          Own Everything” creates yet another set of        regulatory requirements.                          organisations still see mobile solutions as too
(MDM) IS ALL YOU NEED FOR BYOD                    challenges that need to be addressed.                                                               costly, risky and hard to manage.
                                                                                                      However, mobile solutions present a             Organisations may see the unlimited
It’s no secret that security is the number-one    MISCONCEPTION #2: TABLETS ARE                     number of benefits – organisations can            possibilities of mobility in the distance, but
IT concern when it comes to bring your own        ONLY USEFUL AS COMPANION                          eliminate paper processes and significantly       how do you cross the chasm of risk and
device (BYOD) initiatives. Often, the first step  DEVICES IN BUSINESS                               reduce lengthy response times. Employees          complexity to get there today? Dell Solutions
in addressing BYOD security is deploying an                                                         who can access real-time information are          for Mobility can bridge the gap between
MDM solution, However, analysts predict           In spite of positive workforce feedback,          able to make faster and better informed           possibility and reality so you can successfully
that in the next few years, the majority of       tablets continue to be viewed by IT as            decisions while improving customer service.       mobilise your full potential. With this
mobile security breaches will be the result of    troublesome. Their negative position is not                                                         approach, mobility becomes an engine to
mobile application misconfiguration.              totally unfounded, as practical                     For highly regulated industries, desktop        empower your workforce and drive optimal
                                                  implementation of tablets has previously          virtualisation is the most foolproof solution     business performance, while still maintaining
  Further complicating the security concern       been difficult. Why? Mobility projects were       for giving IT control over devices,               IT control over risk and complexity.
is the complexity of device management as         likely using consumer tablets — tablets not       applications and data employees can access.
more and more devices are introduced into         designed for business usage. Their poor           Because data is housed in the datacentre            “Security is not the only
the enterprise. How can IT manage the             battery life, dependability and serviceability    versus residing on a mobile device that can         reason to look beyond
plethora of smartphones, tablets, laptops and     stagnated tablet adoption. Furthermore, and       be lost or stolen, IT gains centralised control     traditional MDM for
desktops that are available today, as well as     most critically, providing access to the          over data and application access and can            BYOD — there is also the
other technologies that are fast approaching?     applications to make tablets usable at the        more easily comply with regulations.                complexity caused by the
Many organisations end up simply                  edge of an organisation has previously been                                                           sheer volume of vendors
circumventing the challenge of managing a         too costly and time consuming.                    MISCONCEPTION #4: IT’S JUST TOO                     in the marketplace.”
mobility solution by restricting BYOD                                                               HARD TO DELIVER JOB-SPECIFIC
programs and the devices or applications            Today’s tablets though now blend                APPLICATIONS TO THE FIELD
they support. This is not a sustainable           consumer demands with enterprise level IT
solution however, and analysts believe that a     requirements and have the ability to push         Organisations recognise that people need to
number of BYOD programmes will fail due to        critical data to mission-critical workers who     be connected, but cost, complexity and
MDM measures that are too restrictive.            are mobile by nature of job and in customer-      security risks have previously hindered
                                                  facing roles. However, it is interesting to note  decision makers from including mobile
  Security is not the only reason to look         that currently, more business executives are      solutions as a critical component of their
beyond traditional MDM for BYOD — there           using tablets for work purposes than sales        overall business planning. In fact, most
is also the complexity caused by the sheer        people which highlights that sales teams are      companies only invest in mobile solutions for
volume of vendors in the marketplace. The         under-utilising these powerful devices.           the least mobile employees in their workforce
Bring Your Own… movement has just begun.                                                            — employees who may benefit from mobile
                                                                                                    collaboration tools, such as email, calendar
                                                                                                    and contacts, but who don’t need access
                                                                                                    beyond that for ultimate productivity.

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