Page 17 - GSMA_Congo_Case_Study_ARTWORK
P. 17

• Details of the electronic money activity in a business plan that includes:
• P r o j e c t e d activity, establishment, and organisation;
• Details of the technical, material, and inancial resources that are expected to be implemented for performing such
activity; and
• P r o j e c t e d inancial statements and prudential standard compliance for at least three (3) years;

• Copy of the agreements and protocols entered into with technical or inancial partners relating to the issuance of electronic money;
• Copy of the various draft agreements to be entered into with the various parties, in particular with electronic money
distributors, acceptors, holders, or subscribers;
• Details of the product, including:
• t h e target audience and the scope of availability and usage of the product;

• t h e features of each type of electronic instrument selected;
• t h e loading method of the electronic instrument;
• t h e maximum transaction amount at Acceptors;

• t h e duration of the electronic instrument validity; and
• t h e transaction cost and pricing;

• Details of the technical architecture, including:
• planned hardware and software architecture;
• a note on the internal control mechanism implemented; and

• s a f e t y and network architecture;
• Summary of procedures for:
• e n s u r i n g the safety and availability of the system;

• managing and administering the relationships with Distributors and Holders;
• managing payment defaults; and

• managing the loss of electronic money instruments.
The Central Bank may require any additional information deemed necessary to review the approval request.

Article 6:

Electronic money institutions shall have paid-up share capital in cash (Congolese francs (CDF) equivalent to US$2,500,000 (two million
five hundred thousand US dollars).

Article 7:

Day-to-day management of an electronic money Institution shall be entrusted to at least two individuals demonstrating the character,
skills, and professional experience required to act in this capacity.

Article 8:
Without prejudice to any legal provision relating to commercial companies, no one shall, directly or indirectly:
• ofer to the public the establishment of an electronic money institution

• administer, lead, or manage an electronic money institution

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