Page 71 - State-of-the-Industry-2013
P. 71

aPPendix B – GlOSSary

point of sale (pos) a retail location where payments are made for goods or services.

platform the hardware and software that enables the provision of a mobile money service.

regulator in the context of mobile money, this typically refers to the regulator who has supervisory
authority over fnancial institutions within a particular country—usually the central bank or
other fnancial authority.

unbanked Customers, who do not have a bank account or a transaction account at a formal fnancial institution.

underbanked Customers who may have access to a basic transaction account ofered by a formal fnancial
institution, but still have fnancial needs that are unmet or not appropriately met.

unregistered users Customers who use mobile fnancial services primarily over-the-counter. unregistered users include
both people transacting over the counter in the case of OtC services, and unregistered recipients of
of-net P2P transfers in the case of wallet-base services

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