Page 5 - Consumers and Mobile Financial Services 2014
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The survey and report were prepared by the Con- R. Gerdes, Linda Healey, Bob Hunt, Chris Olson,
sumer and Community Development Research Sec- Samantha J. Pelosi, Anjana Ravi, Aaron Rosenbaum,
tion of the Federal Reserve Board’s Division of Con- Scott Schuh, and Dick Todd provided valuable com-
sumer and Community Affairs (DCCA). ments and feedback on the design of the survey and
drafting of this report. Comments and feedback were
DCCA directs consumer-related functions performed also provided by Federal Deposit Insurance Corpora-
by the Board, including conducting research on tion staff, including Karyen Chu, Keith Ernst, and
financial services policies and practices and their Yazmin Osaki. Finally, several members of the
implications for consumer financial stability, commu- Mobile Payments Industry Workgroup provided
nity development, and neighborhood stabilization. valuable input, including Mehul Desai, Dee
O’Malley, and Ginger Schmeltzer.
DCCA staff members Maximilian D. Schmeiser,
Matthew B. Gross, David E. Buchholz, and Alejan- Mention or display of a trademark, proprietary
dra Lopez-Fernandini prepared this report. Federal product, or firm in the report does not constitute an
Reserve System staff members Jason Berkenpas, endorsement or criticism by the Federal Reserve
Alexandra M. Brown, Matthew Chen, Julia Cheney, System and does not imply approval to the exclusion
Douglas Conover, Marianne Crowe, Ellen Merry, of other suitable products or firms.
Allen Fishbein, Chris Foote, Kevin Foster, Geoffrey