Page 11 - Advanced_Payments_Report_2014
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who want to increase sales and consumers who
do not want to be bombarded with unwanted 4.1 The whole purchase process
marketing messages on their mobile devices.
Research Choose Order & pay Pickup After sale
Services that add value
Research a product online, check Delivery
Next to rewards, survey respondents prioritised AT HOME friends’ opinion on facebook at home Follow up purchases
banking services, such as checking bank balances or on the internet
Order and pay on mobile
retrieving statements, as the most likely to be used. MOBILE Compare price and Get personalised
Obtaining electronic receipts for their purchases was DEVICES fnd a better deal in information on
another store
new products
prioritised as third. Other relevant services include
price comparison tools which, if accurate and helpful, IN STORE See product in
ofer great utility to any customer. a showroom Try it in a store Buy it in a store In-store pickup
Location based ofers were favoured by more than
half of the survey respondents.


85% of respondents agree that mobile wallets will

increasingly need to consider the whole purchase process

 | Edgar, Dunn & Company in association with Payments Cards and Mobile 11
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