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elearning: finally delivering on the promise

                                      Benefits: Assessment for Learning

          Correct misconceptions                                                                  Indicator of progress

          Using simple questions, teachers can help                                        Teachers will get access to progress reports
          students to correct misconceptions about                                          that will indicate areas of weakness that
          learned content                                                                               need attention

          Reinforce key knowledge                                                                    Improve lessons

          Asking the right questions, teachers will                                        Using progress data in Wand, teachers can
          reinforce key knowledge                                                         improve learning activities for future classes

                                        +50%                +1.3                 3X

                                    Short term retention  Increase in Grade  Long-term retention

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    1)  H. Ebbinghaus: Memory: A contribution to experimental psychology         2)  H.L. Roediger: The power of testing memory
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