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elearning: finally delivering on the promise

                                    Awards & Recognitions - latest awards

        2003-2014 Worldwide eLearning recognitions

       •   World Summit Award Winner 2013 for "Special schools Portal -CES – Interactive multimedia educational content for children with special
           educational needs“,category eInclusion & Empowerment - the highest award granted worldwide to an IT project
       •   Golden medal* for “Educational process optimized in view of competences within a knowledge based society”, in the category "Project Excellence
           in Medium-Sized Projects” at International Project Management Association (IPMA) competition. The project was implemented by the Ministry of
           Education, through Management Unit of Externally Financed Projects, in partnership with SIVECO Romania and the University "Carol I".
       •   World Summit Award Winner 2013 for eContent
       •   eLearning Award Winner 2013 for Project based learning
       •   Bronze medal* for "Development of interactive multimedia educational content for the educational system in Kazakhstan“ in the category
           "Project Excellence in Medium-Sized Projects” at IPMA competition.
                    *Silver Medal was not awarded
       •   OVER 50 International Major Awards for eLearning

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