Page 5 - State of the Internship NoSeal
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Table Of Contents

Defining Internship Preferences 6
Career Opportunity and Relevance as Top Internship Attributes. 7
Two-Three Month Length Seen as Ideal 8
Two-Thirds of Students: Make Internships Mandatory 9
Midsize Companies Draw Greatest Interest 9
For-Profits Receive Top Preference 10
Marketing/PR Agencies and Technology Companies Are Top Picks 10
“Dream Internships” Span Across All Industries and Company Sizes 12

Preparing for Internships 14
Students Are Highly Engaged in Online Career Profiles 14
LinkedIn and InternMatch Are Career Profiles of Choice 14
Email and Phone Top Ways to Contact Students 15
Students’ Input on Fair Hourly Wage Averages to $12.45 16

Insights among Past Interns 17
Intern Profile 17
Sophomore Year Key in Starting to Build Work Experience 18
Internship Search Encompasses Multi-Prong Outreach 18
Nearly Two-Thirds of Students Use Social Media in Internship Search 19
In-Person Interviews Most Prevalent When Seeking Internships 20
Interns Overwhelmingly Recommend Other Students to Do Internships 20

Internship Insights by Seniors 21
Majority of Seniors Have Held Paid Side Job While in College 21
Paid Internships Not Yet the Norm 22
High GPA and Paid Internships Help Students Lock in Jobs Early 22
Seniors Willing to Move to Enhance Job Chances, But Won’t Settle 23

Insights from No-Internship Students 25
Internship Demand Appears to Outpace Offering 25
Summer Classes Main Barrier to Seeking Internships 26
Tools and Resources Used 26
Hands-On Search Tips and Interview Preparation Top Needs 27

Methodology 28

Sample 29

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