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SPARK to Launch in Romania

Bucharest citizens looking for a clean, fast and secure alternative to move around the city will have the opportunity to do just that starting next week. SPARK, an international brand for e-car sharing services in Europe, will soon start its operations in the capital of Romania with a fleet entirely of electric cars.

The service will be provided by newly founded Romanian company “Spark Car Sharing SRL” that is a part of the international company “SPARK Technologies UAB” based in Lithuania. The SPARK mission is to provide better solutions for transportation in a low-cost and eco-friendly way.

Nerijus Dagilis, the founder and CEO of SPARK Technologies – “As people’s awareness increases, consumer behavior changes, so deliberate and practical use becomes more important and sharing services is more relevant. This consumer demand and successful SPARK experience in Lithuania and Bulgarian has led to the introduction of an electric car sharing network in Romania. We believe that this is one of the attributes of the future that will help a fast developing cities like Bucharest not only to become more modern, but also to solve everyday problems, which are very important for every inhabitant like congestion, air pollution and noise level. These are the reasons that determined us to choose a more cost-effective and ecological solution – the electric cars. It is an advanced vehicle that will no longer be a matter of concern and will be widely used by the majority of the country’s population. An easy-to-access opportunity for everyone to make sure of its reliability, safety and environmental friendliness.

According to a Statista report, Bucharest placed 11th in the world in a ranking of the cities with the worst traffic congestion. On average one person living in Bucharest loses due to traffic about 103 hours per year, taking into account only the usual daily commute to the office and back.

On average one family is not utilizing their car for more than 10.000 km/year, as 96% of the time the private cars are just parked. Also, car ownership incurs additional costs and financial burdens (annual tax, maintenance fees and similar). Recent studies show that one shared car removes the need for about 14 private cars, which in turn has a beneficial effect on both traffic and parking availability in the cities (besides the decrease of noxious emissions).

Also, according to numbeo.com, Bucharest has the 6th worst pollution index among major cities in Europe. And, while vehicles are not the only air pollution cause for the city, they are among the top 5. By using electric vehicles with virtually no noxious emissions at all, our users will be directly helping to improve the air quality for everyone in the town.

Thus, by using e-car sharing services, we’ll not only help with the congestion, but we’ll also help clean up the air within the city.

As for users, current legislation provides that the use of public parking lots for electric cars is free. Electric cars are allowed to use bus lanes in Bucharest, so electric car drivers can follow quicker routes throughout the city. Also, SPARK users do not have to worry about charging the vehicles or other additional fees for using one of our vehicles as they do with their own cars that run on gas, as the SPARK fleet management team will make sure all cars have enough energy to get you where you want. You just use the car and have no further obligations.

We invite you to watch our Facebook and website to learn first about the benefits of SPARK.

About SPARK SPARK is an international brand for electric car sharing services in Europe. The private company “SPARK Technologies UAB” (based in Lithuania) controls SPARK operations in Lithuania, Bulgaria and Romania. The founder and CEO – Nerijus Dagilis, firstly established e-car sharing service in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, in 2016, and until today around 10 million euro were invested in the development of the company.