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Romanian telecom authority improves telecom offers for disabled persons

Romania’s telecom authority Ancom adopted together with the industry a decision which improves the telecom offers for disabled persons, according to Telecompaper. Ancom increased the amount of minutes, SMS, as well as the data volume included in the packages dedicated to this category of users. The offers will be publicly available within six months from the entry into force of the decision.

Packages for the hearing and/or speech impaired users

Providers of electronic communications services provided at mobile locations will have to ensure packages that contain the following minimum monthly benefits, available exclusively at a national level: an unlimited number of on-net SMS and 300 off-net SMS at a recommended price of EUR 4 per month (including VAT), according to Telecompaper. Furthermore, the providers will offer a minimum 3 GB data volume and an unlimited data volume for the use of services of video interpretation in mimic-gesture language through dedicated applications at a recommended price of EUR 2 per month.

The total recommended price of the package is EUR 6 per month.

Packages for visually impaired users

These packages will contain 2,000 on-net minutes and 500 off-net minutes at a recommended price of EUR 2 per month. At the same time, the providers will offer a mobile data volume of 3 GB at a recommended price of EUR 2 per month. The total recommended price of the package is EUR 4 per month.