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ANCOM brings 3,585,500 lei to the state budget from fines, after approximately 3,700 controls in the telecom sector in 2021

As a result of the 3,682 controls, ANCOM sent 230 notifications and applied 776 warnings and 329 fines, totaling 3,585,500 lei. The amount is revenue from the state budget.

“ANCOM carried out almost 3,700 controls in 2021, the discovered irregularities being sanctioned with fines in the amount of over 3.5 million lei. This year we also carried out a new campaign to verify the coverage with mobile voice signal in the areas where we were notified of the installation of new base stations meant to increase the degree of coverage “, said Cristin Popa, Director of the Executive Monitoring Department and Control within ANCOM.

On the electronic communications market, in 2021, ANCOM carried out 2,046 control actions, the violators receiving 230 notifications, 320 warnings and 142 contravention fines, in the amount of 2,750,500 lei.
84 contravention fines in the total amount of 1,736,000 lei were applied by ANCOM to the telephony service providers for non-fulfillment of the coverage obligations assumed by licenses, violation of the obligations regarding the conclusion of contracts with end users, carrying out the porting process or violation of other obligations.
In 2021, ANCOM completed a new campaign to measure the national coverage with mobile voice services of areas inhabited by at least 98% of the Romanian population, and measurements were made only in localities where operators said they had significantly improved coverage.
5 contravention fines in the total amount of 50,000 lei were applied by ANCOM to the providers of internet access services, the largest of them, in the amount of 30,000 lei, being applied for the unauthorized provision of electronic communications networks or services.
24 contravention fines in the total amount of 732,000 lei were also applied to the providers of television and sound broadcasting (RTV) services, mainly for non-compliance with the technical data, parameters or conditions included in the technical authorizations.
The providers of CATV networks were sanctioned with 24 fines in the total amount of 202,500 lei for non-compliance with the conditions provided in the General Authorization, while the radiocommunication operators were sanctioned with 5 fines in the total amount of 30,000 lei for the use frequencies without a license or non-compliance with the technical and operational parameters of radio stations.
On the market of radio equipment and electromagnetic compatibility, ANCOM performed 1,068 controls, following which 346 warnings and 122 fines were applied in a total amount of 517,000 lei. The highest fine was 45,000 lei and was applied for possession and use of jammer equipment.
Regarding the electromagnetic compatibility, the highest fine, amounting to 20,000 lei, was applied for the placing on the market of some devices that were not designed and manufactured in accordance with the essential requirements.
In 2021, ANCOM carried out a number of 568 control actions, being applied 110 warnings and 65 contravention fines, in the amount of 318,000 lei, being frequently found non-compliance with the obligations imposed by the general authorization regime.
Out of the total controls, 4 concerned the verification of the Romanian National Post Company (CNPR) in its capacity as universal service provider, following which a fine of 5,000 lei was applied for non-compliance with the minimum quality conditions for internal correspondence universal service.
The main irregularities consisted in the unauthorized provision of postal services, non-compliance with the methods of delivery of postal items to recipients, non-compliance with the content of acknowledgments or postal notices and non-registration / marking of postal items.