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82% of Europeans would like to be able to permanently delete something posted on their social media profile in 2021

Generation Z consumers are the most likely to want to remove something from social media accounts, from 2021, (86%), compared to only 75% of those over 35 years.

Kaspersky presented the results of a European survey that investigates consumer awareness levels and attitudes towards online privacy and fingerprinting. The survey identifies how perceptions of online privacy differ by country and generation, with Generation Z being more careless when it comes to controlling its data, as many of its representatives would like to be able to permanently delete a previously posted online post. The results show a widespread problem in all countries – most respondents are unaware or unsure of the control they have over their digital presence or are unaware of what they could do if they wanted to manage their online person .

The survey surveyed more than 8,500 Internet users aged 16 and over in 11 countries, and found widespread misunderstandings among respondents about the perceived level of control they have over their online identity, a significant number. of these erroneously considering that when it comes to accounts and posts on social networks, they can be permanently deleted.

Posts that we “appreciate” on social media can have a profound effect on how others perceive us. Consumers in Europe understand that online actions can have consequences and have reported that some topics are more risky and conflicting than others, and can have a potential impact on perceptions and even employment prospects.

Posts that are considered derogatory for people with disabilities are potentially the most detrimental to one’s employment prospects or relationships, according to 38% of consumers. Also, about 1 in 3 (34%) respondents said that sharing anti-Covid vaccination posts or using anti-trans language (32%) could affect career opportunities.

Nearly half of the executives admitted that they studied the online profiles of their colleagues when they joined the company and found things based on which they judged them, while over 40% of respondents said that they also know someone who whose job or career has been adversely affected by an old social media post. Despite this, almost a third of people have never reviewed or deleted their old social media posts.

Perception of online presence is a problem for many people. In total, 42% of consumers say that their social media profiles do not represent them in a genuine way. Another 48% say that others might get a bad impression of them from their internet search history.

Worryingly, the majority (81%) of 16-21 year olds mistakenly believe that they have complete control to permanently delete something from their online presence.

Millions of people who die leave behind social media profiles and a certain internet search history. Many, of course, do not have the chance to revise their fingerprint first. This survey identified a worrying lack of awareness, with almost a third (30%) of consumers not thinking about what their fingerprint will mean once they die, with almost a fifth (19%) mistakenly assuming that all accounts their social media will be automatically and permanently deleted.

The results also found that 37% of respondents say they would be willing to access the social media profile of a deceased parent if they left their login details in their will. However, this was not the case when respondents were asked if they themselves would leave these details in such a document. An equally high percentage felt uncomfortable thinking that they might leave their social media connection details in their will.