Orientări politice pentru viitoarea Comisie Europeană
Planul de investiţii strategice pentru Europa
Planul de investiţii strategice pentru Europa - calendar şi etape
Tehnologia informaţiei şi comunicaţiilor pentru sectoarele privat şi public
Fişa 1 - Why does the EU need an investment plan?
Fişa 2 - Where does the money come from?
Fişa 3 - Where will the money go to?
Fişa 4 - Improving the investment environment
Fişa 5 -What's next? A timeline
The European fund for strategic investments: Q&A
Implementarea programelor operaţionale finanţate din instrumente structurale
European Commission: An investment plan for Europe
Employment and social developments in Europe 2014
Romania - Investment plunge weights on the economy in 2014
FEIS Bruxelles: Financial Instruments 2014 - 2020
A sustainable way of achieving EU economic and social objectives
The European Maritime and Fisheries Fund
The Romanian Agricultural Fund for Rural Development
The European Regional Development Fund
ANEXX 2: Project Lists from Member States and the Commission - PART 1
ANEXX 2: Project Lists from Member States and the Commission - PART 2